
Portada » Projects » EaaS

What is EaaS project?

Efficiency as a Service

Efficiency as a Service (EaaS) is an European project that will lead to the implementation of the energy efficiency servitisation, specialized in SMEs, in Belgium, Netherlands and Spain.

In this video we explain what servitisation is.

Logo EaaS

How does the project get it?

  • The objective of this project is the development and implementation of a 3-year program to promote the “servitisation” of energy efficiency, that is, to promote energy efficiency projects through the use of equipment and its corresponding pay-per-use.

  • After a complete study, ANESE has detected that one of the current barriers is the lack of knowledge of the EPC model among end clients.
  • Therefore, the idea is to simplify the procedures and the message, so that the customer perceives energy services as just another service (catering, sports activities, in short, pay-per-use).

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