
Portada » Projects » Comanage

What is Comanage project?

Addressing the main governance and management barriers to citizen-led energy community projects

The COMANAGE project originates with the aim of tackling and counteracting the main governance and management barriers – including a series of legal, administrative, financial, social, and organizational hurdles – faced by citizen-led and public-participated energy communities’ projects.

The final goal of the project will be twofold: first, to ensure that energy communities’ projects that have already been set-up can takeoff and grow in the medium and long term. Second, to encourage and stimulate the uptake of new community-owned energy projects.

Logo Comanage

How will the project accomplish this?

  • The project will on one hand, create a methodological and operational Energy Communities Governance Framework, and by equipping public authorities involved in energy communities’ projects with a set of integrated services, supporting mechanisms and tools aimed at facilitating the management and governance of energy communities and other forms of citizen-led energy initiatives, ensuring their growth and sustainability in the medium and long term: the Energy Communities Governance Toolkit.
  • On the other, will operationalize a transnational network of knowledge and competence providers; creating three Operative Integrated Services Hubs to be established in three Pilot Cases across the EU represented in the consortium by the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona in Spain (AMB), the Krakow Metropolis Association in Poland (KMA), the Lazio National Association of Italian municipalities in Italy (ANCI LAZIO).
  • ANESE’s role in this project focuses on one hand, on an in depth analysis of the governance barriers, challenges and opportunities that citizen-led and public-participated energy communities’ projects are facing (including financial, legal, administrative, social and organizational aspects) and the identification of best practices and synergies around the EU (and outside).
  • On the other, in the identification of efficient and effective financial tools and innovative business models (For example ESCO model) for setting and managing public-participated energy communities’ projects in the pilots’ areas.

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