2020 technology guide

What is the Technology Guide?
We present the third edition of the ANESE’s Guide of Technologies for Energy Savings and Efficiency 2020. After the success of the two previous editions, 2016 and 2018, our guide continues to position itself as a benchmark for the energy service companies (ESCOs) and energy efficiency sectors, reflecting the transfer of knowledge between different markets, with the objective of promoting the growth of this sector in Spain.
From ANESE, we continue to give continuity to the initial purpose of our guide to train and inform all the agents involved in the process (industry, tertiary, residential and Public Administration) about the advantages and benefits of applying energy-saving and efficient solutions in your projects.
For this reason, we have decided to invest in a new edition that brings together the technological answers to many of the questions and doubts from the most disparate fields: from lighting and air conditioning, to big data and the electric vehicle, through monitoring and the IoT.
Download 2020 technology guide
If you want to have the Guide in PDF format, simply fill out and send this short form and you can download it below.